Caron Smith offers professional counselling services in Victoria, BC, Canada. In her other life she is an artist. Photography, pastels, and watercolours are her favoured media. Please feel free to enjoy her works here! Check out for more paintings!
It was an extremely cold and windy March day at Esquimalt Lagoon with the Al Frescoes painting group. Another painter and I tucked ourselves in by some trees on the north end of the bridge. That was great until it started to rain – so I quickly took some photos, and finished this one at home.
The Red Barn is a great place to go with the Al Frescoes painting group. This was a beautiful sunny day in February 2021. I felt inspired to bring a big (approximately 50 x 70 cm) piece of pastel card. I was really pleased with the way it turned out.
Swan Lake is one of my favourite places to walk and to paint. Oh – and to watch birds. It is one of the best places in Victoria to see all kinds of birds – from Cormorants to Great Blue Herons to Mergansers.